
Embrace the hard moments

5Sometimes hard days just happen, for moments you lose control of your circumstances, you may be feeling more vulnerable and emotional, something triggers an old feeling that you didn’t know you still have inside  of you and there you go, an overwhelming day. Today was one of those days for me, it reminded me some important things I still have to work within myself. It’s not something you conquer overnight, but with persistence and awareness we’ll get there. Believe me, it’s not just you, everyone goes through the same at some point, you are not alone, so just take a deep breath, or many, and keep going, let it pass like the tides of the ocean, they are not static, they come and go, so keep flowing. Understand what happened but don’t keep attached to whatever happened to you, don’t keep redoing all the moments in your mind, just let it go, it is past, it doesn’t exist anymore. 

I really want you to understand that it happens to everyone and when I say everyone, I mean everyone with all the motivational speakers, so called gurus or masters, meditation and Yoga teachers, EVERYONE goes through tough moments! Thankfully it happens because those moments are blessed, they are a gift as they help us grow and get in touch with our souls! Don’t ignore them just because it’s easier, embrace them, learn from them and open space for a new tomorrow.


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